Natalie Jane Prior

Craft Activities based on Lucy’s Book​

These activity sheets for Lucy’s Book are FREE, and Cheryl Orsini and I would be delighted for you to share them in the spirit in which they were created, in their original format, with copyright information intact. A link back to our websites ( and would be greatly appreciated.

Lucy’s Book Paper Scraps (2 Files)

Print out these pages and use the pictures for collages, cards, scrapbooks or anything else you like. 

Lucy’s Book Bookplates

An assortment of six gorgeous bookplates from Cheryl Orsini, to use on your favourite books, notebooks, or in other craft.

Lucy’s Book Pairs Game

Make your own set of playing cards to play simple card game, Pairs. Make up two or three sets of the Lucy’s Book Pairs Cards and you will have enough cards to play SNAP.

Lucy’s Book Corner Bookmarks

Two different corner bookmarks to make from Cheryl Orsini, to keep your place in your favourite books.

Lucy’s Book Colouring Page 1

Fun colouring sheet to complete.

Lucy’s Book Colouring Page 2

Fun colouring sheet to complete.

Lucy’s Book Colouring Page 3

Fun colouring sheet to complete.

Lucy’s Book Kaleidocyle

With thanks to the FoldPlay website, where you can see photos and a video of Kaleidocycles being made and used. Why don’t you make your own?

Lucy’s Book Cover Template

You can make your own special book by printing out this template for a cover, just like Lucy’s. Decorate the cover with your own drawings or use the separately downloadable paper scraps; then staple some blank paper inside the cover and write your own special story.